Samsung Galaxy S9 will run on Android 8.0: Is that enough?


Galaxy S8 runs on top of Android 7.0 installed with shell from Samsung Experience 8.1. By the way, Samsung is really strong in the development of a new shell. It is well optimized to work without any comments and glitches. And the intuitive and Samsung Experience repeats “pure” with Android 7.0. However, story won’t end here, although here starts a new beginning for the future smartphones i.e. Samsung Galaxy S9.

New UI from Samsung bring more possibility of customization of appearance. The simplest thing you can do – to download and install third-party theme of the Galaxy Apps. In the past five years, Samsung UI for the smartphones was not praised, however, this time Samsung crosses the barrier and bringing the beautiful design to the world. And, it will even get better with the launch of Samsung Galaxy S9 as Samsung is looking for a tough competition for the next iPhone.

With the available settings in S8, you can also change the dimension and the number of icons on the desktop and the applications menu. You can hide the application menu key and open the menu with them via swipe up or down. Also a shortcut menu can be turned off at all, and then all software will be located on the desktop.

In addition you can control the style icons – leave them as they are thought up by developers or to standardize and bring all the icons in the same style. But the main change was the “homicide” and the removal of the left working Briefing panel table. Along with it went an entire era, died another assistant – S Voice. Now, on the left the desktop is your personal assistant Bixby. Samsung makes it so much emphasis that even rendered the housing separate button start assistant. The basic idea of Bixby – keep track of how you use the device and to help you to do this even better and faster. It also has an open API, which allows any developer to use Bixby in your application. At the moment, Bixby tracks what applications and how often I run what I read news sources and offers me extra options on the basis of this information. There is also a smart search of the goods or the place of the photo. If you read the latest news, you must have heard Samsung is working on Bixby 2.0 for the next Samsung Galaxy S9.

The new VA from Samsung is about the same as now does, and Google Now. But unlike Google Now, Bixby can be used every day to add new functions to the main third-party application developers picked up this theme. From what is working and really convenient if you a couple of times in the morning will order Uber for trips to work (i.e. Bixby notice the regularity of your actions) the next time assistant has itself at the right time will tell you that it is time to call Uber, and show how much It will be worth the trip. The case remains for small – press the “Order” button. Therefore, somehow Samsung’s Bixyby is smarter than other VA available in the market, however, doesn’t do more new. May be it will get better with Galaxy S9 release in the 2018.